November 2018

Gemini Claims Expert Management Hub - Now Live
Introduction Following two successful phases of market acceptance testing, the market has signed off the delivery of the Gemini Claims Expert Management Solution (provided by Advent Insurance Management). The solution is now available for carriers to use.
Background Gemini is being delivered to:
address the markets lack of data on expert spend (lawyers, loss adjusters, etc.) including what is being spent on experts, where, and with whom?
provide a platform that enables effective expert management and controls to be in place, including on-boarding, ongoing oversight of claims experts, performance monitoring, ToE, rate cards, etc.
The new platform introduces an effective way of managing and contracting with our experts, allowing one submission by experts working on behalf of multiple carriers. The platform also enhances the oversight and intelligence of an experts performance, to enhance customer outcomes. Gemini enables all of this by introducing structured and real-time data, producing MI to allow expert data and spend to be analysed at a carrier and market aggregate level.
Further information on the background, and what has been built can be found in LMA bulletin LMA18-036-LE from 30 July 2018.
Implementation and Adoption – Managing Agents (MAs) and Experts
This initial delivery enables MAs to:
register regularly used experts and create a panel centrally
utilise the functions that support expert on-boarding and registration, due diligence and performance oversight, in addition to providing a document repository for the storage of rate cards and terms of engagement
utilise monthly/quarterly KPI oversight metrics and monitoring
utilise a searchable database of all registered experts
engage with experts to facilitate a supported upload of experts in to Gemini and subsequent use of the platform.
The delivery of phase two in 2019 will enable:
enhanced and structured claims and fee data capture with a real-time integration (via API) between Gemini & ECF
the ability for MAs to understand, analyse and report on their expert spend and usage.
Training and Service Support
The platform is now live, and ready for use. Access to the system (and appropriate permissions) for all users within your MA will be granted by your companies nominated Super Users. If you are one of the nominated Super Users for your MA, please complete the registration form below and send to, and your profile will be created.
Training sessions were delivered to the market in September 2018 for any nominated Super Users. We will be re-running these sessions again on Friday 7 December and Tuesday 18 December between 9.30am and 10.30am. If you would like to attend as one of your companies Super Users, please state which of the two sessions you can attend, and I will forward an invitation. A copy of the training guide is below for ease of reference.
In the meantime, Advent Insurance Management are starting the registration process for experts nominated by carriers. This saves you having to individually request the registration of experts within Gemini, so if you want to get details of your companies experts over to Advent Insurance Management now, you can get one step ahead. Over 500 experts have been pre-registered for access to Gemini with the support of Lloyd’s carriers. Please send details of any requests to
If you wish to know more, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. Tim Bowling Senior Executive, Claims